College Application Consultant

High-performance students spend their high school careers developing qualifications that make them competitive candidates for the Ivy League and other top level universities. However, a transcript full of AP courses, a stratospheric GPA and an almost perfect SAT are ultimately not enough to distinguish it from its competitors.

These “difficult factors” allow you to be taken seriously by the universities you apply to. However, admissions officers from the best schools use a process known as holistic admissions to differentiate students. In essence, this means that they rate the “whole person”. Application readers want to know what you’re interested in, how you argue, and how you write. In this sense, his university essays are perhaps the most important data he will deliver.

In fact, your university essays complete your application in a way that numbers can’t. Regulatory officers may have 10 or 15 minutes to read your file and evaluate the years of hard work in a quarter of an hour. You only have a limited amount of time to make a lasting impression and make the reader believe that you will be making a valuable contribution to the dynamic mix of students on your university campus.

The secret ingredients of the successful university essay

As a leading university advisor specializing in working with the best students seeking admission to elite colleges and universities in the country, I am often asked what the guardians of these institutions are looking for in personal statements. The answer is clear: authenticity and passion.

The registration officers have extensive experience in discovering the “Dress to Impress” essay, which reflects an open image of the applicant. Students often make the mistake of writing what they want to see as readers rather than providing a detailed description. Such a strategy can actually be counterproductive and affect your chances of entering an elite university.

The second important ingredient for a successful essay at a university is passion. In a word, in order to connect with living people, the registrars reading your essay must be able to connect with them viscerally. “Selling” emotion and passion. If an admissions officer can see and feel what you feel through your eyes, it is more likely that you have separated your request from your colleagues.

To demonstrate this passion, you must be able to present your “life problems” in an organic and credible manner. By showing what you love in academic and extracurricular contexts, admissions officers can have a real idea of ​​what excites you. Ideally, the reader would like to visualize you as a student taking part in class and making an important contribution to the life of your campus.

How to get the right student advice for your essays

Since the acceptance rates of ivy and top universities range from tiny single digits to “young people”, it can be crazy to take on the daunting task of writing outstanding university essays without adequate instructions. Incorrect information, fears and a lack of knowledge can prevent you from successfully managing the process.

A world-class university advisor has the experience and background required to provide professional support that can maximize your competitiveness in elite schools. At IvySelect, we offer a guide for technical articles that can decide whether the approval process is successful or not.

Our world-class student advisory services show you how to make the most of your essays. We help you develop essays that are authentic and passionate. We teach you to write at a high level.

Neither English teachers nor essay publishers are admissions experts. As a professional admission advisor, I visit university campuses, attend national conferences with admissions officers, and attend training seminars to provide my students with the latest information on admissions to the best universities. It is the synergetic interaction between my extensive knowledge of the highly selective approval process and the ability to offer strategic guidance when writing your essays that distinguishes me and IvySelect.